So many people usually place their air purifiers at a location in their homes which might affect the performance of these devices. So, where should you place air purifiers? The best location for an air purifier is in a room that is used often and where there is a lot of foot traffic. This will ensure that the air purifier has the opportunity to filter the air more frequently.

On average, we spend more time in our bedroom than any other room in the house. So it only makes sense to say, the best place to put an air purifier in the house is the bedroom. Sleeping in a clean and dust-free environment is important for our health. Apart from your Bedroom, you might also want to place your air purifier in your living room, or kitchen. But where are the optimal spots to place it?

7 Great Spots To Place Air Purifiers in a House.

1. Near windows and doors, to prevent outdoor pollutants from entering the home.

Placing your air purifier near windows and doors can help prevent outdoor pollutants from entering your home. This is because these areas are often the primary points of entry for outdoor air, which can contain a variety of pollutants and other allergens. By placing your air purifier near these areas, you can filter out these pollutants before they have a chance to spread throughout your house.

Additionally, placing your air purifier near windows and doors can help improve the overall circulation of air in your home. This can help to prevent stale air from accumulating in your indoor air circulation.

When buying an air purifier, it’s important to choose one specifically designed to remove the pollutants that are most common in your area. This will help to ensure that the air purifier is as effective as possible in improving the air quality in your home.

2. In the bedroom, to ensure clean air while sleeping.

Placing an air purifier in the bedroom can help ensure that the air you breathe while you sleep is clean and free of pollutants. This is especially important because we tend to spend a significant amount of time in the bedroom, and the air quality in this room can have a significant impact on our health and well-being.

The bedroom has a lot of soft furnishings which can trap pollutants and easily decrease the air quality if released. The common soft furnishings in the bedroom include;

  • the bedding (such as sheets, pillows, and blankets)
  • curtains
  • rugs
  • throw pillows or cushions.

To maximize the effectiveness of your air purifier in the bedroom, it’s important to shake or dust the entire room. Doing this will release the pollutants in the air, making it easier for your air purifier to capture them. 

If you have a small portable air purifier, it is optimal to place it on the nightstand or bedside table. This will ensure you get the cleanest of air while you sleep.

But if you have a large air purifier, you shouldn’t place it near your bed. Placing the air purifier near your bed could disrupt your sleep, since some of these devices are noisy. In addition to discomfort, the air flow from the purifier may blow directly on you while you are trying to fall asleep.

3. In the Attic (the space located under the roof of a house).

The attic is a common source of indoor air pollution because it is often poorly ventilated and can collect dust, mold, and other pollutants. Insulation and other materials in the attic can release VOCs and other chemicals into the air, which can be harmful to breathe. 

Additionally, dampness and poor ventilation can create the perfect conditions for mold to grow, which can release spores into the air. These pollutants can be drawn into the rest of the house through the HVAC system or by natural air flow.

If you have an attic in your home and spend more time there during the day, then using an air purifier in this space is necessary. In addition to air purifiers, you might also want to keep the attic properly ventilated through natural air flow. This will also help reinforce the air purifier to get rid of dust and debris.

4. Place air purifiers in your kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most common sources of indoor air pollution in the home. Cooking can release fumes into the air, which can contain VOCs and other pollutants. These fumes can be particularly harmful if your stove is not properly vented to the outside. 

Additionally, cleaning products such as bleach and other chemicals can release VOCs into the air when used in the kitchen. This can be especially problematic if the kitchen is not well-ventilated.

Air purifiers with HEPA filters and activated-carbon filters can remove harmful pollutants and particles from the air, which can be especially important in the kitchen. In addition to removing these pollutants, air purifiers can help to reduce unpleasant cooking odors, making your kitchen a more pleasant place to be. 

5. Put air purifiers in your Pet Areas in the house

If you have a pet such as a dog or cat, the area where they pee and play the most is often a source of indoor air pollution. Pet dander, urine, and other pollutants can accumulate in these areas and be released into the air. This can be particularly problematic if the pet area is not well-ventilated. 

To help reduce the level of air pollution in pet areas, you should clean these areas regularly and use air purifiers to clean the air. Additionally, it is a good idea to keep windows open or use fans to help ventilate the space. 

With the combination of air purifiers, cleaning, and proper ventilation, you can improve the air quality in your home. This will go a long way in making your home a healthier place for you and your pets. 

6. Your Home Office

Your home office can also be a source of indoor air pollution due to the presence of electronic equipment and other office supplies. Many of these electronics, such as printers and computers, can release VOCs and other pollutants into the air over time. Other office supplies such as markers and other stationery can also release VOCs into the air. 

To help reduce the level of air pollution in the home office, you should use air purifiers and keep the space well-ventilated.

7. Near Mold Affected areas in your home

Placing your air purifier near mold can help to remove mold spores from the air before they have a chance to spread and colonize other areas of your home. Air purifiers with large HEPA filters and activated-carbon filters can help to prevent the growth of new mold colonies and can reduce the risk of mold-related health problems. 

Like I mentioned above, the air purifiers that can help with mold should have HEPA filters. But these filters should be able to capture and remove smaller particles as small as 0.3 microns. HEPA filters of this capability are very good in capturing mold spores. 

See these top-quality air purifiers that are capable of capturing mold spores.


In my opinion, these are the best places to put air purifiers in your home. But your home setting might be different, so some of these spots might not be applicable to you. 

However, the most important thing is to consider where you spend time the most as well as the most polluted area in your home.